Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Okay, my kid is getting potty trained and is pretty much trained except at night. She has this habit of coming into our bed in the middle of the night. This happens to coincide with the time that she has to pee. I know you are getting the point... Yes, she pissed a whole bunch on my relatively new bed.

Here is another pisser, I, having some forethought, purchased a mattress protection plan when I bought the bed thinking that someone would end up peeing or puking on it. Well, this is the universe's way of telling me that I need to get more organized because in order to get the damn thing cleaned you have to have your original receipt and the package that the mattress pad came in. Who has that crap on hand? I certainly don't. I have a guest room full of important papers mixed in with all of the junk mail I have received in the last six to nine months. I will have to go through a mountain of paper to find one puny receipt to get the pee off of my mattress. I am debating whether or not it is worth it and clean it myself with something that may or may not work. Argh!!



Blogger cami said...

You made Madagascar Red Vanilla tea come out my nose!!

See, this is where marrying someone a complete opposite is a plus: Mark is ultra-organized. We have every instruction manual, warranty and receipt we ever got. In a neat little folder, labeled even.

Good luck with the mattress, thats a pisser all right.


8:15 PM  

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